The Auto-Debit Status Report™ (ADSR) is a simple way to see the current status of your Auto-Debit Report™.  It is located on the bottom-right of the member dashboard home page.  It will display only those sections needing attention.  Think of it as a "To-Do" indicator. The ADSR gives you a simple interface for knowing what needs to be done to the ADR.

 The ADSR can contain any of the following links:

  • [X Active  & X Paused Auto-Debits] - This indicator states how many current Auto-Debit you have scheduled and paused (these can be restarted for any future date). Click on this to load the ADR with all current Auto-Debits. We also include the last time these numbers were updated. Click on the refresh icon to reload this section.
  • [X Paid Up] - Actively running without any current missing payments. 
  • [Completed Auto-Debits Not Paid Up] - This indicator states how many Completed Auto-Debits are not paid up to date due to declines/returns not re-scheduled. Click on this to load the ADR with a list of all completed, auto-debits that are not paid up.
  • [X Active Auto-Debits Not Paid Up] - This indicator states how many Current Auto-Debits are not paid up to date due to declines/returns not re-scheduled. Click on this to load the ADR with a list of all current, auto-debits that are not paid up.

For Instructions on how to address your [Auto-Debits Not Paid Up] click the link below:

Help my Auto-Debit Status™ Report states I have Auto-Debits Not Paid Up to Date what do I do?  

  • [X Cards Expired] This indicator states how many current Auto-Debits are scheduled with cards that have expired. If an email is entered into our system for patients, they will have received an email on the 5th and 20th of the previous month to update this. If action still has not taken place, your office will need to reach out to the patient to update this before the next payment is due, or it may decline. A great way to prevent this is by using our Auto-Card Updater™. 
  • [X Cards Will Expire] This indicator states how many current Auto-Debits are scheduled on cards that will expire in the same month as the next scheduled payment is due. Click this to load the ADR with a list of all current auto-debits with cards that will expire before the next scheduled payment is due.
  • [X with 1 payment Left]-This indicator states how many current Auto-Debits have one payment left before their auto-debit is completed
  • [X with 2 payments Left] -This indicator states how many current Auto-Debits have two payments left before their auto-debit is completed