By dedicating a few minutes each business day to your Cash Practice account, you can ensure you're collecting what you're owed and maximizing your practice's revenue potential.
Now you can process one-time payments and schedule recurring auto-debits right within ChiroHD! And even better...the payments will auto-post to the patient ledger, which means no more manual posting!
Why Use the Virtual Terminal? Key entering card information or pull stored billing information from Cash Practice® requires this tool requires a billing address. Using the Virtual Terminal - Credit Keyed will also allow you to send out a Cash Practice® Drip Education® Campaign if you have the Cash Practice Drip Education® System module.
Note: The integration with ChiroTouch is ONLY for the server version, NOT the cloud version.
Platinum users have the ability to access Cash Practice directly from the Front Desk application! This means you can easily process payments, create plans, wellness reports, send emails, and more!