Your account has been pre-loaded with over 100 parameters that are commonly measured in a chiropractic exam. Simply pick and choose the parameters that you're measuring in your practice, choose the services you provide and you're all set! This article will guide you through customizing your Wellness Scores. 


To access your Wellness Score® Settings and setup, follow the instructions below:

Getting started: Hover over [Systems] → click on [The Wellness Score®] → click on [Setup] → select [WS Settings].

Once clicked, the page will load to display 3 tabs, review and complete them in the order listed below:

Tab #1 Parameters

Sub Tab #1: Parameter Sets: These are the groupings of parameters used to score a patient’s Wellness. You may use our premade parameter sets, create your own, edit, reorder, copy, or archive these to fit your specific needs. See the instructions below:

Sub Tab #2: Parameters: These are the bio-markers you measure or tests that you perform during an exam. Parameters can be Physical Exams, Radiology, Objective Assessment Tools, Subjective Assessment Tools, Blood Labs, Urine Labs, Saliva Labs, or any Other bio-marker.
Tab #2: Services: 
Sub Tab #1: Service Groups: This is a group of services that can be offered on the Wellness Score® Report as an outline for treatment. Examples of a Service Group would be Chiropractic, Massage, Group Trainings, etc.
Sub Tab #2: Services: Services are the things you do or offer and can be included on The Wellness Score® Report Treatment Plan as part of a Service Group. We have several Services already pre-loaded into your account, but you may add your own.

Tab #3: Categories

Health Categories appear on your Wellness Score® Reports in order to effectively communicate with your patients why what you have measured and scores affect their overall health. Categories are pre-loaded into your account for you, but you may add your own.