Step 1: Start typing in your patient's first or last name in the [Search Patient] bar near the top-right corner of your account and select the patient account from the drop-down menu.

Step 2: This will bring you to the patient's record. From here, select the [EZ Swiper] lightning bolt icon, located in the top-left region of your patient's account.

 Step 3: This will open the EZ Swiper™ payment tool. Enter the Transaction Details

  • Patient Account: The patient's name will autofill. 
    • Edit: If you have selected an existing patient, an [Edit] button will appear, allowing you to edit the patient's demographics if needed.
  • Amount/Payment Splitter: Enter the dollar amount for the patient here, or if needing to split the payment amongst multiple family members, follow the instructions HERE
  • Billing Type: 
    • Card Swipe: Use a Cash Practice® USB Card Swiper or Scriptel Signature device to swipe a card and collect payment information for the payment.
    • Card EMV: Select this option if using one of our integrated EMV chip terminals, you will be prompted differently on how to process the payment
  • Billing Vault: 
    • [Save to Billing Vault]: Keep this box checked off if you wish to save this card in the patient's billing vault, to be used in the future for frictionless payments, with your MOTO merchant account and fill out all of the required fields. If the patient does not want the card to be saved in the billing vault, uncheck the box.
    • [Set as Default Card]: Check off this box if the patient wants this card to be labeled as their default card to be used moving forward. 
  • Merchant Account: The defaulted merchant account will be displayed, but if using multiple merchant accounts with us, make the correct selection here. For more information, contact our Merchant Services Department by phone at (877) 343-8950 x102) or email
  • Comments: (OPTIONAL) Add a comment for your team's eyes only. This will be displayed on the Posted Payments Report when reviewing the transaction details in the future
  • Show Additional Options: (OPTIONAL) By clicking the drop-down, you have the capability to assign auto-debit groups, Drip-Education campaigns for frequent contact, and Patient Groups to better organize your patient lists 
    • Patient Groups: (Optional) This allows you to group your patients based on whatever parameters you would like. You can then use this to keep track of your patients and leads and also efficiently target market. 
      • If the patient has linked patients, it will display their name with a checkbox next to it, allowing you to designate who you want to assign a Patient Group to. 
    • Drip-Ed™ Campaigns: (Optional) Requires the Drip-Education Email Marketing System™.  We highly recommend you use this feature to continue frequent contact with your patients.
      • If the patient has linked patients, it will display their name with a checkbox next to it, allowing you to designate who you want to assign a Drip-Ed™ Campaign to. 
      • Select the [Start] bubble icon and choose a start date for when you want the campaign to start. If it is a birthday campaign that you are assigning, select the birthday cake bubble icon, and select [Every Year] from the drop-down menu.
    • Auto-Debit Groups™: (Optional) This allows you to categorize your payments into groups. For example, it allows you to track your Chiropractic Services, Massage Services, Products, Locations, etc. 
    • Care Plan Option: (Optional) If this Auto-Debit is for an existing care plan created with the Care Plan Calculator® System, indicate the payment option (i.e. Option 1, 2, or 3).  This will keep your stats more accurate.
  • Step 4:  Click inside the box to swipe your patient's card. If it is accepted, it will refresh the page with the accepted receipt. Click on your company logo to print.

*Note: Make sure your Cash Practice® USB Card Swiper is plugged into the USB port on the computer you will be using. When the swiper is ready to use you will see it lit with a green light.  If you're using the swiper remotely click HERE.