The USB card swiper is meant to be used on one computer, plugged into the USB port, and used alone with your Cash Practice® account or integrated with your patient management software (EHR) directly on that computer.

Why? When you attempt to use swipe/scan/read in a Remote Desktop/Terminal Server environment, it creates a problem with keyboard emulators. The swipe is too fast (much faster than a person can type), and the order of the keys may get mangled when being transmitted from the local computer to the remote computer.

If you have an IT person who can assist you, there may be one possible solution you can try. However, please try this at your own risk. Our staff do not provide IT services and will not be able to assist you with these settings.

Keep in mind, you CAN always key-enter cards or access stored billing your patient has on file to process all one-time and recurring payments.

An option that is guaranteed to work remotely is our EMV terminal. More info HERE.

What's the difference between USB card readers, EMV terminals, mobile processing, and key-entering? More details HERE