• Before importing your clients, please make sure that you have enough space in your account to accommodate the file. (Some accounts only have a database size of 100 clients.)  
  • We do not recommend that you import inactive clients unless you are using the Drip-Education® Email Marketing System.
  • If you're only using the Auto-Debit System® or Cash Plan Calculator® System, there is no reason to import a huge list of clients when only a handful of them will be on a payment plan.



Use the following instructions ONLY if you have existing clients in your Cash Practice® account that has their Chirotouch® account information saved OR if you do not have any existing clients in your Cash Practice® account.

Step 1:  Go to your start menu on computer→ Programs → ChiroTouch® →Utilities → Cash Practice® Transaction Importer.

Step 2:  Select Export Patient Information.

Step 3:  Follow its wizard to export your client data from ChiroTouch® (note where you save the file to your computer).

The ChiroTouch® file contains each of your client's ChiroTouch® Account Numbers. This number will be inserted into the 3rd Party Software Acct Number field to allow ChiroTouch® & Cash Practice® Systems to sync.

You can now import your clients into Cash Practice by following the instructions in the Help Center Article below: 
Manage Client List: How do I import my client list? →Skip to Step 4 on this article and import the file you just saved