Part 1: Getting Started

  • Create a new template, instructions HERE
  • Create a new plan, instructions HERE
  • Edit an existing template/plan, instructions HERE

Part 2: Editing the Template or Care Plan

  1. Assign a patient to the plan (not applicable for templates)
  2. Complete adding in the total # of visits, add Services & Products, Units, and Actual Fees
  3. Discount Rules: Select Discounting Rules for each service/product, these should all be set at "Full Fee"
  4. When finished, click the [Calculate Care Plan] button at the top and bottom of the page

Part 3: The Calculator Settings

The page will be refreshed, and the plan preview will be displayed. On the left:

  1. Select the "Service & Product Settings" section to open it
  2. Turn OFF the Payment Plan slider - leave Actual Fees ON
  3. Click the [Calculate Plan] button at the top of the page

Part 4: Additional Calculator Settings

The page will be refreshed with the updates. On the left:

  1. Select the "Payment Option Settings" section to open it
  2. Turn OFF all Payment Option sliders
  3. Click the [Calculate Plan] button at the top of the page

Part 5: The updated care plan/template will load listing out the services/products along with the total

When completed, click the View & Print Care Plan button (not applicable to templates) to print the plan→click on the [logo] at the top left corner of the document.