Getting started:

Step 1: To access your plans hover over the [Systems] menu→ [Care Plan Calculator®] menu → [Search Care Plans].

Step 2: The [Search] tab will load the [Search Care Plans] page, narrow your search by entering as little or as much information about the plan that you are looking for OR click the search button at the bottom of the page to view all [Current] care plans.

Step 3: Locate the plan from the search results and click on the [Assign Client] button.

Step 4: In the [Client # field] → enter the client's first or last name. Company or TPS ID and select the correct client for the dropdown. Click the [Save] button when finished.

Step 5: You will receive an alert letting you know the client was successfully assigned to the plan.

Step 6: Close out of the screen by selecting the red X in the bottom right corner.