Is this a Wellness Care Plan/Template? If yes, please read this explanation.

A Wellness Plan/Template by default excludes payment Option 2  [Initial + Recurring].

You might ask, "Why would I exclude Option 2 from my Wellness Care Plan/Template?" Since wellness is designed to go on "indefinitely", when a patient pays recurring payments, you do not want them to have to make a new down payment every time the term of the plan renews.

Is this for a Corrective Plan with less than two months of payment? If yes, please read this explanation.

Corrective Plans with two months or less of payment scheduled will offer the following payment options:

  • 1 month = Recurring payment Option 1 Only- Since the plan is set up for monthly payments and there is only 1 payment month, we limit the option to Recurring Only. If the payment defaults were changed to Weekly or Bi-Weekly, this would change to offer all 3 payment options including Initial & Recurring Option 2
  • 2 months = Recurring Option and Prepayment Opt 3 only- Limiting the plan months to 2 eliminates Option 2 because Recurring would split the total in half which may be more appealing to a patient and Option 3 Prepay offering payment in full. There just isn't a proper fit for a larger down payment unless choosing the payment default to Weekly or Bi-Weekly, this would change to offer all 3 payment options including Initial & Recurring Option 2.