There are two ways to view this history:

Option 1:

Step 1: Click on the "Search Patient" field in the top right-hand corner of the screen and begin typing the first few letters of the patient's first or last name.

Step 2: Then, select the patient account from the drop-down menu, which will then bring you to the patient's record.

Step 3: Click on the [Care Plan Calculator] tab. Let's review:

  • [Care Plan Email History]: Will display the history of all care plan email history for this patient. 
  • [More] → [Email History]: Shows the history of the plan selected

Step 4: Review the emailed care plan history + details.


Option 2:

Step 1: To access your plans hover over the [Systems] menu→ [Care Plan Calculator®] menu → [Search Care Plans].

Step 2: Once the [Search Care Plans] page loads, narrow your search by entering as little or as much information about the plan that you are looking for OR click the [Search] button on the bottom of the page to view all [Current] Care Plans.

Step 3: From the search results you can click on the [More] button → [Email History].

Step 4: Review the emailed care plan history + details.