If you accidentally refunded a transaction or refunded the wrong amount, you have a few options:

1) Our Merchant Services Department may be able to void the refund on your behalf. Voids can only be done on the SAME DAY that the refund was processed (your transactions automatically batch out / settle every night and once they settle, we are no longer able to void them). If the refund was not processed today, then it cannot be voided. See option #2 below for a solution. If the refund was processed today and you would like us to try and void it:

  • Contact our Merchant Services Department at (877) 343-8950 x 105 or by email MerchantAccounts@CashPractice.com with the details of the refund.
  • If we are able to void the refund on your behalf, you will be able to process a new refund (if needed).

2) Notify your patient that a refund was processed in error (or the refund was processed for the wrong amount). You can then process a one-time payment as you normally would using the [Virtual Terminal™] or [Simple Swiper™] for the amount the patient owes you.