NOTE: Must have ChiroTouch® version 6.1.23 or higher.



The Wellness Score® System has been enabled for ChiroTouch® account, but when you try to run an exam for a patient you get an error screen. Please be sure you read the error message and review the basic error resolutions below:

Error 1: Invalid  Clerk Key

If you know that you have The Wellness Score® System on your Cash Practice® account, but you are receiving an invalid clerk key message. Then there may be an issue with your integration keys. If one of your Cash Practice® Integration keys is placed in the wrong section or entered incomplete, then this message can arise. Checking on your ChiroTouch® Integration is a very simple process, for an article with step-by-step instructions on how to, click HERE.

Error 2: Permission Denied

If you know that you have The Wellness Score® System on your Cash Practice® account and you know that your ChiroTouch® integration is complete, then you may need to check your account permissions. If you're logging into ChiroTouch®, then you have linked all of your ChiroTouch® user accounts, with their Cash Practice® client accounts. However, if your permissions are not set up in Cash Practice® to allow that specific user access to create Wellness Score® reports, then it can cause this error. To check and make sure that your permissions are set up correctly, click HERE. Please note that you will need to be logged into the admin account in Cash Practice® in order to edit user permissions.


Error 3: Your Cash Practice® Systems membership doesn't include The Wellness Score® System has not been added to your account


If you enable The Wellness Score® in ChiroTouch®, but you have not added the system onto your Cash Practice® membership, The Wellness Score® System is only available to those who chose the system when signing up for Cash Practice®. If you are interested in upgrading your Cash Practice® membership to include The Wellness Score® System, please click HERE.